Baby boomers are aging, so much for the ‘Forever Young’ mindset they have. Let’s face it, your grandparents who were born between 1946 and 1964 have been setting the trends for decades. When they were born, shortly after WWII ended, our men came home, it was called the ‘Baby Boom’. Today they mostly have their own grandchildren, and they should be referred to as the ‘Grand Boomers’.
In California, both immigration and birth rates have been in a steady decline, with population growth dropping to under 1% per year. Things are definitely changing, and previously, the growth was accounted for by the two ‘baby booms’. The first ‘boom’ occurred in the decades following the second World War. The second occurred when the baby boomers began producing 600,000 babies per year. That is considerably more than today, with birth rates dropping below 500,000 per year.
The senior population is growing sharply, that means the death rate will continue to increase in San Diego senior housing facilities. It is believed that California might just see a massive population decline. Fortunately, California is often seen as a great spot for retirement. There may still be plenty of senior citizens immigrating from other parts of the United States as they look for a spot to spend the final years of their lives.
Projections for the next Decade
It is thought that the population of senior citizens in the state of California will increase to 19% by 2030. With this increase, there will be fewer adults of working age when held in comparison to the senior population. This change will result in more of the state’s human resources being dedicated to providing healthcare to this group. The state is undoubtedly going to need additional resources to ensure the care of senior citizens.
The California community college system will need to work on training workers to deal with the needs of the state as the senior citizen population grows. I say the community college system because most vocational classes are being cut. Our most recent grads are underemployed. They have careers vastly different than their degrees with debt as high as some baby boomers mortgages. The focus of the colleges isn’t on our aging population needs. Instead it’s focused on what kids enjoy or what the state of California pays them the most money.
Recently the Health Care Foundation came to the same conclusion, releasing a report regarding the adequacy of medical care for the rising senior population. The next big question, of course, is whether or not there will be enough hospital beds available to meet the needs of seniors. It all remains to be seen. The future is uncertain, but one cannot say that California is unprepared, or at least not in the process of solving the problem.
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